Thursday, 20 June 2013


It has been a while now since I have written. So I think I should attempt to bring my blog up to date!

A while ago was my birthday. I woke up to a surprising amount of messages from friends and family and that made me very happy. I celebrated with Vic during the day at intern and she took me to a nice japanese cafe and we ate the most delicious cold soba noodles. In the evening mum and I went to Spice Temple - a restaurant that I had been wanting to go to for years and years (the main reason because it had the word "spice" in it, haha) We ordered too much but the food was delicious. My favourite was the tofu.

lightly fried tofu that is so soft in the center, with spicy and refreshing capsicum 

spicy duck

The semester has finally come to an end. I haven't enjoyed this studio much at all. I quite like the people - they are all very humorous, but I have not felt very engaged throughout. I didn't feel as though my presentation went well at all as the discussion part extended for 20 minutes more than it should have but I ended up doing much better than I thought.

I am happy that I can finally spend some proper time planning things for exchange. (I got into exchange) It was very awkward to receive an acceptance letter as I really thought that I didn't get in because of the first letter. I had already gone through the process of accepting that I wasn't going anywhere and I had started planning other things that I could do while I was in Melbourne.

I feel quite stressed about it all, but I will attempt not to loose my mind over the small things. My family continuously changes their plans - first I was going by myself, then I was going with my mum to taipei first, then we were going to singapore instead of taipei, then both my parents wanted a holiday in europe and now my dad says he doesn't think he wants to go and will go another time when he can spend more time eating food... so I think now mum and I will take a little trip around Europe. I have no idea if that is going to happen or maybe in the end it will go back to the first plan of me going alone.

PHEW. Whatever happens happens.

I woke up a couple of days ago to the message that I had earned money from an image that I contributed to a short film. The film ended up being shown at Sundance and I got some profits from it! I was/am still surprised that this happened! I am super happy about that.

I am currently sorting through all the things I need to do within the next two months. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow.... I can't wait to start new projects and make new things that are totally not uni related hohohohohoh yes.

Winter is here now and the mornings are so crisp. It is almost as nice as Canberra winter, but I don't see much frost. I love the cold air in my lungs.

I spent some of last night with sim and jimmy's house. We played music and made songs and I thought just how happy I am to have gotten to know these two much more this year. We started making this one song that we all liked and Jimmy got really intense and specific about the lyrics that he wanted to use - I don't think I've ever seen him so serious haha.

I broke one of my strings on my guitar and I felt so stupid because I knew it was going to break and yet I kept tightening it. I think it was the stress at the time.

I can now practice my estonian everyyyydayyyy whoooohooo fun (it is actually quite fun) "goodnight" sounds like "hey dude!" hahahaha

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

i like fat birds

I spent the later half of the day with the Pandas. It had been a while since I had seen them, so I was happy to be in their company once again and to listen to their stories.

We walked through the park together and spotted lots of little birds flying about, probably catching dinner bugs. There was a pregnant or maybe just obese fairy wren that came really close to us a few times. I couldn't help but adore it because it was so cute. (I can imagine myself with a lot of them sitting on me and being the happiest person alive)

It had rained heavily the days before so we often dodged puddles and pointed out areas where the water had risen. Even the bridge was almost submerged by water.

I hadn't walked through the park before. It was really lovely and made me wonder why we hadn't wandered there before. It was good to see something new, especially while it is Autumn and there are many colours about.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

you and me

"Everyone says that I am a lone wolf. But the truth is ... I have you."