Tuesday, 4 June 2013

i like fat birds

I spent the later half of the day with the Pandas. It had been a while since I had seen them, so I was happy to be in their company once again and to listen to their stories.

We walked through the park together and spotted lots of little birds flying about, probably catching dinner bugs. There was a pregnant or maybe just obese fairy wren that came really close to us a few times. I couldn't help but adore it because it was so cute. (I can imagine myself with a lot of them sitting on me and being the happiest person alive)

It had rained heavily the days before so we often dodged puddles and pointed out areas where the water had risen. Even the bridge was almost submerged by water.

I hadn't walked through the park before. It was really lovely and made me wonder why we hadn't wandered there before. It was good to see something new, especially while it is Autumn and there are many colours about.

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