Friday, 31 May 2013

why i dont like things right now, but also why i do

The last month have been stressful.

I really love the autumn colours and the colder weather, but it also means later sunrises and soaked feet.

I've had continuous late nights and early mornings finishing work and making enough time to play a few tunes or draw a few people. After handing in two of my three assignments this week, I allowed myself to sleep in and I woke up feeling my body ache with the weight of the week.

My age day is next week. I can't believe that 22 has come so soon. It has always been during exam times - ever since high school. I find it depressing and unavoidable that everyone is "too busy" to see me on my birthday. I suppose I'm having a self-pity moment.

It was rain, thunder and lightning last night. I came home late and walked through the park and let myself get completely soaked. I felt like a kid again. It was nice to have the rain at this time, it was cleansing. I liked watching the lightning from my window and made me think of times as a child with Ali watching my curtains flicker with the storm.

I haven't felt that comfortable at home lately. I've been the one to tell D how to settle in. I relay information between Jing and D because she is too shy to ask and it is just such a bother to be the person in between. It is exhausting and sometimes I feel like they forget that I have university continuously on my mind and that home really is the place that I go for comfort - it is my home and not just a place where I sleep.

Each time I caught a tram this week, I would be pushed into a conversation with a stranger. They were always kind, but very chatty. A older lady loved my jumper and proceeded to stroke my arm fondly and then hobble off of the tram. I think she had been drinking.

Though exhausting, University has been "lively" (probably the wrong word to use as most people probably feel dead) but the motivation has definitely picked up and I, too, have felt the need to work hard and really get into it - making up for my month of depression and bed times after America.

My favourite class this semester has been Enter the Playhouse where we explore the Malthouse and propose a new design for the entry. My teacher was great, even in one on one discussions she spontaneously brought her ipad full of works that she thought would relate to our design proposal. Class was good too, we were lucky to have a happy group of people. Everyone got a long and motivated each other. I wish all classes were this good.

Looking forward to the semester end. Looking forward to time to make without uni on my brain.

Having lots of nostalgia since I read Eddie's tumblr post. Missing Taiwan times and taiwan friends.

Sarah and I sent videos to each other just today and made me so happy but also so sad. sighhhhhhhh.

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