Wednesday, 2 January 2013

noodles are for always

I really considered changing the title of this post to simply, "2 0 1 3" because I thought that it would be more appropriate ... but what is more appropriate than noodles? Nothing at all.

I loved the holiday season. I think I enjoyed almost every minute of it, despite the silly family arguments and occasional tension.

Now that it's over, I feel that I need some time to adjust to the sudden lack of company and affection that my siblings and family gave me. I've spent the last couple of days feeling an incredible lack of motivation and inspiration for anything. It sounds awful but I'm giving myself some time to grow back into my surroundings.

There are a few things I loved the most about the holidays:

Running like crazy people from my grandparent's house to my aunt's house with my brother and sister late at night on Christmas Eve. 

My siblings and I saying, "UNACCEPTAAABLE!" like Lemon Grab at whatever we thought was slightly unacceptable. 

Playing monopoly till 3am with siblings, Brandon, Clare and Christine.

When my siblings and I planned to have an "early night" but instead stayed up singing and playing guitar together till the early am.

Mum being santa and giving us a stocking to share for the first time in 9 years for me, 13 years for my brother and 17 years for my sister. 

Eating dessert before and after seeing a Wreck-it-Ralph with my siblings.

Brother being creepy with the dead hand thing.

Dad telling us in the car, "I chose stir fry over drugs when I was growing up." and my sister replying, "I think you passed that gene on to us."

A conversation between my brother and my grandma about his current relationship:

pp: You have a new girlfriend?
brother: Yes.
pp: What happened to B... Beth?
brother: Bec... We broke up like two years ago.

pp: You know... Beth not very pretty.'


Every year I give myself some new resolutions. I have yet to finish mine, however I will list a few things from my growing list.

1. Feed myself good food

Over the holiday season I was filled with the best family food ever. I have outgrown the days where I am ok with eating super tasty food only when I'm with family.

2013 will bring me yum, healthy, food at my own home made by me... more often.

I have started already (whoohoo) and cooked myself some chicken and vegetable soup w/ stir-fried chicken on top and it was yum.

2. Super cut back on instant noodles

Because they are evil and so instant and noodley. It seems like an easy task, but seeing as my asian side wants noodles all the time, i'm sure I will struggle at some point.

I will list some more of New Years Resolutions in a new post once I finish thinking of them!


I took a walk yesterday. The weather was just right and I wanted to enjoy it before the heatwave strikes. I walked to the park that is up past the station- it's the one I want to take everyone to. 

 signs of stories being made

I spotted this on my way out of the park. Someone had dug holes under the trees and also collected stones and twigs and put them in a pile to the side. It reminded me of the shops that my friends and I would build at recess time while in Primary school. We would run to the cluster of trees and begin sweeping away the fallen leaves. We'd collect certain things (the gum nuts were our currency) and we'd try and sell what we made to each other. There was even a banker who kept all of the gum nuts. Some kids even robbed the bank after school and when it was time to play we all found out we were poor so we started from the beginning.

on the way home

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