Sunday 13 January 2013

this is how we pass time

This morning was a bit perfect. I woke up to cloudy skies (something I don't normally do easily) and I took a walk through my park to the local bakery/cafe to buy an almond croissant for breakfast. The weather was just right. Calm air and a cold atmosphere. I walked back through the park and sat on the bench under the giant tree that I like so much. There weren't many people. It was really peaceful to just sit under the slowly moving branches and to hear the leaves move with the very gentle breeze. 


I met with Nina for brunch. It had been over a year since I had seen her last. It always surprises me to not have awkwardness when getting to know somebody new. We walked to the market together and planned future meetings.

I stayed at my Grandparent's house for a few days. I stay in the room that faces out into the street. It faces the sunrise. At night time, before bed, I sit and look out onto the distant lights and watch them flicker and move and think that those are people out there. I like the light that moves into the room at different times - mainly during the night and sunrise.

Mum asked me to water the front yard. I picked up the hose and there was a hole a couple meters down from the nosel. I walked around the grass in flip flops and managed to twist the rope so that hole, where water was spurting out, towards my face and I got soaked... then I after I wiped my face dry I managed to walk into a low spiky branch and my hair was filled with tiny thorns. I am so elegant at times.

I met with Sim next to Glen Waverley station for lunch. The bowl of noodles was so huge that it could have fed two people. We talked about things of the past and I got to know her a little bit more. I had brought my sketchbook to show her some new drawings and she brought out a few drawings of her own, saying that she doesn't normally share them but knew that I would really like to see them. She has been drawing her dreams lately. The pictures were very cool.

Also during the week, Sim and I saw Samsara and it was super amazing and I literally felt, at times, that I was in the places that they showed on screen. Everyone should see it. 

I went to Pandas' home in the late afternoon. I saw Sarah for the first time since before the New Year and she cooked a yum and simple beef noodle soup. I brought some Red Bean Mochi and also some of the malaysian layered dessert for everyone. I actually forgot that I really like the malaysian one. Num num.

The sky was changing beautifully while the sun set. 

Later I sat with them, happily and comfortably, on the bed and we watched movies till late and left in time for one of the last trains. It was a nice night.

Last night was one of those occasions where I remove all feelings of awkwardness and force myself to talk to people I haven't spoken to in ages - mainly on facebook chat (as much as I dislike it)
I have been waiting to get in contact with Zor for a long while. She is somewhere in America staying with a possible love. Despite us not talking as much as we did in late high school years, we still manage to understand each other's feelings and situations really well and it was very nice to talk to her again. We planned our indian food dates and possibly avocado and salmon times.

I stayed up late, sharing drawings with Sim and talking to Elaine, trying to encourage her to draw more. She would reply that she didn't know what to draw. Frustrated, I just told her to draw and not to think, or to draw anything until the thought just goes and things become natural. She said she didn't want to draw anything "bad" and that she only wanted the "good" and told her it was like choosing that you only want to experience day, not night and that was so silly.

I also talked to both Js individually. Sharing written words with both of them. One telling me he would visit soon, always saying that he should get away. Both of them liking different things I had written. One having writing that flows so beautifully. The other being very anecdotal, telling me stories of himself.

It was good to talk to them all.

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