Friday, 1 March 2013

happy night

We danced to 80s music and I talked to almost-strangers about shrooms (why is it always shrooms?)
At midnight we we put on the fog machine and everyone danced to thriller and I felt like I was at some dance rehearsal and it was amazing. M went the moves step by step with confidence but no arrogance and I thought, "wow you're actually very cool right now." I spoke to L all the time... scaring each other with similarities and feeling oddly, yet comfortably, pushed-together in the crowd. Happy to get to hear stories of other lives - interesting and free of insecurities, unlike others who seemed to be cocooned in layers of it - making me wonder what they really look like.

Dancing without any alcohol in my blood and feeling so happy. Laughing at everyone else (feeling bad afterwards) but at the time not being able to help finding everyone and their flailing limbs hilarious.

M drove me home. Listening to him talk about things that I didn't believe him to care about. An interesting morning discussion while driving through empty streets and a gratefulness for the door that seemed to click open in my mind.

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