Sunday, 3 March 2013

some things last


standing under trees

with fluorescent leaves

the nighttime can make you young again
unfamiliar - it is to be explored and held tightly

till you know it
till you love it
till you don't want to let it go
or else you lose a part of yourself

night murmurs to strangers taking the same path

into a sea of abandoned cars and tilted street lamps
where am i.

a half moon is slowly rising

a conversation brings my blood 
to a steady flow
I can feel it, I can feel it
and it beats fear and timelessness, again,
into my eyes, into my eyes

I wanted to tell you - I think of it too
I am far from an empty shell.
but instead my body listened silently

while heart beats grew faster
waking me from the daze the meeting before had put me in
I thought you stopped wanting to die.

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